Great writeup, Dawn! And great start to the project. Would be fascinated to hear about some of the projects funded so far

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Thank you! How are your projects going? We want to make it possible for donors to specify how their donation was influenced. With that feature we'll know more about what causal effect the platform has had. About $60k in 27 donations since January, but many of those might've happened without us for all I know.

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Good! just got the discussion forum live here: https://negationgame.com

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Amazing work on the donations! that's an incredible average donation size nice work!

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Indeed! Even if they split their budgets into 4 or 5 donations, that's still some $3k per donation. And many of these ~50 donors didn't even enter their donation budgets, so they're counted as $0 in the total. At my last charity the average donation size was $36. xD

Edit: Oh, I thought the comment was on our post on the $600,000 in donor interest! xD But I suppose this comes down to a similar average donation size.

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It’s really impressive, good people!

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